Students of the Division of Language and Literature are prepared to begin advanced study or embark on careers in virtually any vocation. The evidence for the marketability of humanities skills is abundant. Many recruiters are turning directly to humanities majors for their foreign-language and intercultural expertise, their leadership abilities, communication skills, and their intellectual flexibility and creativity.
Undergraduate programs are designed to serve those who pursue careers immediately upon graduation as well as to provide a solid foundation for further studies. Our majors are well prepared for graduate/professional schools or careers in writing, publishing, editing, government, law, business, public relations, church-related vocations, and education. Our graduates produce outstanding PRAXIS scores, are in teaching positions locally and abroad, or are furthering their degrees in various graduate schools. One served as a clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Some are serving in government agencies. Graduates interested in business and journalism are working in related fields, as the director of graphic services, as a newspaper reporter/editor, and as executive assistants in various businesses.