University Policies

Supervised by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, this area of the University is concerned with academic requirements, curriculum, grade reporting, permanent academic records, academic advising, faculty recruitment and development, library services, and the evaluation of instruction. Since the educational experience is the focal point of a student's relationship with Louisiana Christian University, the integrity of both the University and the student is maintained by basic academic regulations. The Louisiana Christian University Catalog serves as the primary resource on academic regulations. Contained in the Catalog are complete descriptions of requirements for admissions, plans of study, class attendance policies, the grading system, tuition expenses, courses of instruction, and definitive statements concerning academic processes.

The Office of Institutional Research is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating institutional data to the Louisiana Christian University community to support its strategic planning, policy-making, and ongoing institution-wide evaluation processes.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is dedicated to providing leadership to the planning, implementation, administration, and evaluation of Louisiana Christian University’s ongoing institutional effectiveness program.

Students may request clarification of these policies from their academic advisors should a need arise. Persons affiliated with the area of Academic Affairs are listed below:

Dr. Henry Robertson
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ms. SeJin Ahn
Director of Institutional Research

Ms. JoLynn McConley
Director of Student Success Center

Ms. Judy Voles

Ms. Elizabeth Parish
Interim Director of the Library

University-wide committees related to Academic Affairs offer student representatives opportunities for input into the development of academic policies and procedures. The following committees deal with academic matters:

Admission and Retention
Reviews policies on admissions to the University; reviews applications for admission under special circumstances; collects, reviews, and disseminates information on retention of students.

Reviews proposed curriculum change in University programs; supervises the Central Curriculum courses; reviews requests for exception to curriculum policies or substitutions in the Central Curriculum.

University Planning
Improves campus communications; strengthens coordination of university functions; provides a mechanism for allowing faculty, students, trustees, administration, alumni, denomination, and community to have more effective input into the planning and decision-making processes of the University.

International Activities
Develops comprehensive international activities and policies for the University; approves travel study programs; encourages missions, travel, study, student, and faculty exchanges.

Teacher Education and NCATE Accreditation
Review policies and procedures of Teacher Education programs; coordinate various areas of specialization.