LCU begins faith integration workshops for faculty

Louisiana Christian University has adopted a new initiative this academic year to integrate faith into every academic course. Students see this addition on each syllabus and how faith will be tied to the individual disciplines they are studying.
“Students coming to LCU expect to learn about faith and theology in the religion classes and in Chapel, but we want to be intentional about our mission and vision here,” said President Dr. Rick Brewer. “We want students to know that no matter what their individual callings are professionally, that the Lord expects all Christians to be evangelists. We are preparing graduates and transforming lives because we know transformed people transform culture.”
Workshops throughout the year will be held to train faculty how to be purposeful in not only integrating faith into their courses but tying it to the specific learning outcomes and subject matter of their courses.
Dr. Steve Horn, executive director of the Louisiana Baptists, spoke in the first faculty workshop Thursday.
“I know the value of what you do,” Horn told the faculty. “And I believe matters of faith and the Christian worldview aren’t to be reserved just for Bible study time but are to be incorporated into every subject.”
He spoke on creating a culture of evangelism on campus, which he said is already evidenced at times at LCU.
“It really should already exist; we just need to fan the flames and be more intentional about that,” Horn said.
Horn read from the Book of Acts, devoted to showing Christians how the Gospel was spread in the first century, even as the main apostle, Paul, was in prison. The Lord scattered believers, and they all went on their way preaching the Word of God, Horn said.
“Every believer becomes an evangelist,” he said. “That’s how the Gospel begins to advance. We will never create a culture of evangelism if we leave it to the professionals. It has to be everyone’s job.”
LCU students should be encountering Christ everywhere, not just in their theology classes, Horn said.
“The Spirit of God is at work in the students’ lives sitting in your classrooms every single day,” Horn told the faculty, “even when we don’t see it. Evangelism is not complete until the evangelized become the evangelists.”
Media Advisory | Sept. 1, 2023 | Pineville, Louisiana
Contact: Dr. Elizabeth B. Clarke, Director of University Communications |