Pack your bags and get ready to move! Complete and return thisĀ Application for Housing.
Contact us to learn more about availability and details on reserving rooms.
Additional Housing Forms
This form is for students who wish to reside on campus during the summer terms. This form is also for participants in the TEACH and MATĀ programs who are in need of summer housing.
This form is for students who wish to reside off campus. Student's wishing to be exempt from this policy must submit this form to the Dean of Students for approval.
All students who live in the residence halls are required to have a meal plan. If you have a dietary need that requires you to be on a special diet you will need to provide medical documentation along with this form to the ResidenceĀ Life office for approval to be exempt from purchasing a meal plan. Meal exemption forms are due the same day as the last day to drop/add classes.
Married Student Housing Application