The traditional, strategically planned, four-year programs of study in teacher education provide for the development of the highest quality professional educators that are committed to life-long learning. This foundation prepares candidates in general knowledge, professional education, special studies, reflective decision-making, and Christian service, through rigorous, relevant, and relational experiences.
The Threads of Purpose in the TEAC Claims
The Threads of Purpose in the TEAC Claims
The faculty of the Department of Teacher Education at Louisiana Christian University has chosen symbolic threads or strands that when collectively brought together in a planned and methodical manner, weave a cord that represents a strong, well-rounded, and competent teacher education graduate. Its premise rests upon the fact that each thread or strand addressed individually is relatively weak and can be broken and rendered useless. However, when each strand is woven into a strategically designed cord representing the incarnate of the total teacher, the end result is a competent, resilient, and purposeful teacher. This is the epitome and culmination of a uniquely designed, creative, caring, and highly competent individual. The theme revolving around these three concepts is taken from Ecclesiastes 4:12 which states “…a cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
TEAC Claims
- Teacher candidates will model Christian/community service with their students and in their communities
- Teacher candidates will master the prescribed subject matter to include content, pedagogy, and methodology.
- Teacher candidates will exemplify the attributes of a professional teacher by applying knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the classroom.
Department Information
The mission of the Department of Teacher Education is to provide an environment and structure that prepares candidates to become professional educators, informed by the Christian faith, and committed to life-long learning in a changing world.
The Dynamic Educator Exemplifying
- Christian and Community Service
- Mastery of Subject Matter
- The Attributes of the Practitioner Teacher
A Cord of Three Strands is not Easily Broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12
The philosophy of the Teacher Education Program reflects the premise that teaching is both an art and a science. Prospective teachers should receive the education and guidance necessary to develop mastery of subject matter; a personal philosophy of learning and teaching; proficiency in planning, instruction, and assessment; competency in classroom leadership; and a realization and acceptance of their responsibility in directing the educational experiences of their students. Louisiana Christian University offers an initial certification program. Within that initial program, one may pursue the undergraduate bachelor’s degree with certification in elementary grades, secondary level subjects (English, French, mathematics, sciences, social studies, and Spanish), or K-12 grades certification in art, music, or Health & Physical Education.
The Teacher Education Program is designed as a process to help the candidates become knowledgeable, caring, empowering educators who can fulfill these important tasks. The following outcomes are embraced in support of the mission and are correlated to the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) Standards and Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) standards/Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Candidates should:
- Engage in Christian/Community service
- Exhibit professional dispositions
- Possess a knowledge base in the liberal arts and sciences
- Possess knowledge of research-based theory
- Recognize the implementation and integration of theory throughout the curricula
- Communicate accurately and effectively
- Construct meaningful experiences that facilitate both creative and critical thinking and reality-based problem solving and decision making
- Model effective classroom leadership and teaching of individual learners within diverse student populations
- Integrate technology in instructional planning and teaching
- Experience diverse teaching and learning environments
- Demonstrate competence in planning, instruction, assessment, management, and collaboration
- Utilize self-evaluation, feedback from performance-based assessment, and reflective thinking to improve professional skills
Louisiana Christian University prepares students from all major fields for a changing world through a liberal arts tradition, and commitment to academic excellence informed by a Christian worldview. In addition, the Department of Teacher Education establishes a professional academic environment which reinforces life-long learning.