The mission and philosophy of the Louisiana Christian University PTA Program are reflected in the following goals which correlate to the performance and behavioral expectations of the normative model: Upon successful completion of the PTA Program the graduate will:
- Exhibit effective verbal, non-verbal, and written communication necessary to obtain as well as
convey information and/or education to patients, caregivers, other members of the healthcare
team, and the community. (PE 2.0) - Incorporate technical skills, knowledge of physical therapy theory, and the knowledge of the
utilization of fiscal and human resources into a meaningful, effective and accountable treatment
process under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist. This process facilitates the delivery of cost-effective quality patient care and attainment of established treatment goals.
(PE 1.0, PE 4.0, and BE 6.0) - Demonstrate the ability to adapt to a dynamic healthcare environment while remaining aware of their responsibility and accountability to the patient, Physical Therapy profession, and the community. (BE 12.0)
- Promote awareness of his/her career role development and lifelong learning opportunities through career advancement, degree advancement, and continuing education. (BE 5.0, PE 10.0)
- Provide care as a member of the PTA career within the context of a Christian philosophy and
standard of ethics in the provision of health care that fosters tolerance for cultural and religious
diversity and facilitates ethical choices in professional practices. (BE 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0) - Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with members of the healthcare team and others in the
profession of physical therapy, to actively promote the profession and contribute to societal
well-being. (PE 5.0)