Resolution for the Support of Israel

WHEREAS, We, the President, Faculty, and Staff of Louisiana Christian University watched in horror at the atrocities and barbaric acts inflicted on the people of Israel by terror on October 7, 2023, and
WHEREAS, man is the special creation of God, made in His own image (Genesis 1:26-30). Furthermore, Christ died for all humanity (2 Corinthians 5: 15), who were created in His image, adding infinite value and dignity to every person of every race, gender, and age, and
WHEREAS, the Scriptures clearly teach that it is the duty of Christians to seek peace with all people through the Spirit of Christ and in accordance with the teachings of Christ (Matthew 5:9, 38–48; 26:52; Romans 12:18-19; 14:19; Hebrews 12:14; I Peter 3:10-12), and
WHEREAS, we believe that the only remedy for evil in this world is the transforming grace that comes through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 15: 11; Romans 5: 15-17; 12:21; Galatians I: 3–4), and
WHEREAS, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Council for Higher Education in Israel, and the Israel Science Foundation have asked us to join them as advocates for justice, equality, and peace, and to express our profound respect for the dignity of human life;
NOW, THEREFORE, the President, Faculty, and Staff of Louisiana Christian University do hereby condemn the attacks on Israel as acts of terror and demand the immediate release of the hostages in Gaza.
We pray for the radical grace of Jesus Christ to transform those committing these unspeakable evils. We stand in support of the State of Israel and its right to defend itself, and encourage the Israeli government to make every effort possible to avoid hurting innocent civilians;
We pledge to take every possible measure to prevent the dangerous incitement of antisemitism and to safeguard the well-being of anyone on our campus who may be at risk of retaliatory actions;
We pray for all Christians everywhere, and especially for those believers in the Middle East, that through the power of God’s Spirit, they would be beacons of peace and hope;
We offer prayers and lend our unwavering support to the people of Israel for their nation’s preservation, success, peace, and prosperity now and forever.
BE IT PROCLAIMED, on this day November 7, 2023, the above resolution was approved by the President, Faculty, and Staff, and signed by President Dr. Rick Brewer at Louisiana Christian University, Pineville, Louisiana, United States of America.
Dr. Rick Brewer,
President Louisiana Christian University
November 7, 2023