LCU to hold Active Shooter Training ahead of fall semester start

Louisiana Christian University Campus Security is continuing its efforts to ensure a safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors by holding an active shooter drill Tuesday, Aug. 15.
School shootings are an unfortunate reality on campuses and in public places across this country. Everyone prays it won’t be at theirs, but it’s important to be prepared in case you find yourself faced with the inevitable.
“Louisiana Christian University continues to take the existential threat of gun violence seriously,” said President Dr. Rick Brewer. “The protection of our entire campus community is our No. 1 priority daily.”
This Active Shooter Drill will follow a previous drill conducted during the spring semester, but with a more intense scenario designed to equip our faculty and staff to serve students in a safe and effective manner should the University experience an actual active shooter in the future.
Faculty will go through training during their fall workshop on how to respond in the event of an active shooter situation.
“The Active Shooter Drill will allow them to practice what they’ve been taught in the event they have one, and it will test our armed faculty who have been through many hours of training,” said Chief of Campus Security John Dauzat.
Faculty will be divided into three classrooms to simulate classes of faculty and students. During the simulated class period, a simulated active shooter situation will transpire and will be broadcast through the university’s RAVE Guardian alert system, according to Dauzat.
LCU faculty who have been approved to be armed will be on the scene and will respond. Dauzat said that upon completion, an evaluation will be done with everyone to discuss, ask questions and correct any areas that need improvement.
Local law enforcement will be notified of this event.
Brewer said, “We are grateful for the collective support of all local law enforcement agencies underscoring collaborative strategies we will be ready to apply if needed. “
Media Release | Aug. 11, 2023 | Pineville, Louisiana
Contact: Dr. Elizabeth B. Clarke, Director of University Communications |