Horn tells LCU freshmen ‘Live, share faith daily’

Louisiana Baptists Executive Director Steve Horn spoke Saturday morning to the incoming Louisiana Christian University freshmen class, encouraging them to share their Christian faith every day.

Wearing a red T-shirt that read in bold letters: DAILY, Horn read the message that his youth pastor wrote in a Bible he gifted Horn for his freshmen year in 1988: “Don’t wait until your senior year, start now.”

Horn read from Acts 8, where scripture tells us that people were being saved daily.

“I don’t think anything should have changed from the first century to now,” Horn said. “The Lord still wants to add to His church daily.”

But somewhere along the way, he said, many Christians started thinking it’s only the role of professional preachers to share the Gospel.

“Every believer—every one of us—is a vehicle to take the message to someone else,” Horn said. “Every Christian is a witness.”

Horn offered the students ways to share their faith and told them to remember they are on a campus where there is great freedom to do so.

“It’s expected here that you would talk about Jesus,” Horn said. “You don’t have to be afraid here.”

He encouraged students to be prayerful, to be bold and to be relational—but to also be prepared to share their faith and answer questions from others.

Life On Mission app and the Louisiana Baptists hereforyou.org both offer ways to share faith with others. He also shared the traditional “Roman Road” and offered a FAITH acrostic: Forgiveness, Available, Impossible, Turn, Heaven.

Horn reminded students to make sure they back up what they say with how they live their lives.

“Let others see Jesus in you,” he said. “Where there’s a culture of evangelism, it must be backed up with a lifestyle.”

Tamarian Evans, a freshman kinesiology major from Bastop, said the message was heartfelt and he learned a lot of ways to share the Gospel.

Maebyn Orillion, a freshman early education major from Opelousas, agreed.

“He gave us some really cool apps I didn’t know about that will make the salvation message easily accessible to share.”

Meredith Rennier, vice president of Student Life, said this year’s Welcome Weekend has been a great time, and LCU is thankful that Horn could come and address the incoming class.

Friday night, 14 area churches came to Quad Bash to introduce themselves to students. Students have participated in many activities and games getting to know each other and campus.

LCU classes start Monday.


Media Release | August 19, 2023 | Pineville, Louisiana
Contact: Dr. Elizabeth B. Clarke, Director of University Communications | Elizabeth.clarke@lcuniversity.edu