Randy Kuhn, Ph.D.
Randy Kuhn, Ph.D.
Prior to entering academia, I spent 10 years in public accounting and industry as a CPA with a focus on auditing and accounting information systems. During that time, I worked for Deloitte & Touche LLP (financial and IT auditor), KPMG LLP (IT audit manager), Grant Thornton LLP (IT audit senior manager), Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp. (financial systems manager and internal audit manager), and NASA Kennedy Space Center (systems accountant). Most notably, I managed the audit of the corporate accounting system on the WorldCom fraud restatement (largest fraud in U.S. history). My extensive experience provides an appropriate background from which I teach my courses. In December of 2009, I earned a PhD in Business Administration with a major concentration in Management Information Systems and minor in Accounting.
When considering how I wish to teach higher education business and accounting courses, I initially draw upon my professional experiences – in particular, what knowledge and skills do I feel are necessary for new entrants to the Accounting profession. The knowledge needed may change over time with new laws, regulations, etc. but certain skills will not. Among others, some of the most important include critical thinking, communication (particularly in diverse work environments with colleagues from many backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints), and adaptability – adaptability to new technologies, new business practices, and unexpected events such as the current global pandemic impacting the way business is conducted. I strive to challenge students to think outside of the proverbial “box” with discussions and assignments that require them to critically think about the course concepts and objectives and communicate their findings.