Campus-Wide Tutorial Services
The Student Success Center is now offering remote access tutoring. If you need assistance with any of your classes, please email She will assist you in signing up for remote tutoring.
Special Services & Disabilities Accommodations
Louisiana Christian University is committed to following Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended in 2008, and other applicable federal and state regulations and university policies which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Under these laws, students with a documented disability have a right to receive reasonable accommodations. Students also have responsibilities under these laws.
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Students with disabilities have the right to:
- An equal opportunity to learn.
- An equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the academic
Students with disabilities shall be responsible for:
- Registering with Student Success Center Special Services.
- Submitting documentation of a disability from a qualified and appropriate professional that demonstrates how the disability affects/impacts a particular delivery system, instructional method, or evaluation criteria when requesting accommodations.
- Completing a Student Success Center orientation prior to receiving accommodations.
- Requesting accommodations through the Student Success Center each semester in a timely manner.
- Meeting with faculty and other service providers to discuss accommodations as needed. Information about the disability is confidential.
- Notifying the Student Success Center of any issues, concerns, or delays in receiving requested accommodations in a timely manner.
- Meeting and maintaining fundamental academic standards of the Louisiana Christian University.
Students who have greater needs may choose to enroll in the Student Success Center Special Services. Through this program, extensive individualized tutoring is arranged. Assistance can be provided with note-taking, study skills, time management, research, paper writing, etc. Audiobooks are available. Test accommodations can be arranged, e.g., in a distraction-free environment or with extended time.
Louisiana Christian University is committed to student success; however, we do not require students to use accommodations nor will we provide them unless they are requested by the student. The student must take the lead in registering with Student Success Center Special Services and submitting requests for accommodations each semester.
For more information, contact the Student Success Center at 318.487.7629.
Louisiana Christian University Student Success Center (SSC)
A comprehensive one-stop-shop for academic support services on campus. The goal of the SSC is to increase retention by providing students with access to free tutoring in core courses, thereby fostering the independent, critical thinking skills they need to succeed in college and beyond. Located in the Norton Library, the SSC offers a range of academic assistance in the form of individual tutoring, study groups, and other support services for LCU’s student body. Students meet with peer tutors who have excelled in the course they tutor and who have been trained to facilitate discussion on course content. All of the programs and initiatives offered in the Center are free for LCU students.
Writing Assistance
The first stop for writing help is the Writing Center, located in the Student Success Center. Trained writing assistants work one-on-one with students on every aspect of the writing process. We typically ask students to make appointments, but walk-ins are welcome if we have an appointment available.
We provide free help on writing assignments, including:
- Analytical essays
- Argumentative essays
- Response papers
- Research papers in all majors
- Book reports and reviews
- Film and drama reviews
- Lab reports
- Critiques
- Proposals, business reports, letters, and memos
- Service-learning writing projects
Students receive help with all phases of the writing process, from brainstorming ideas to synthesizing sources, tightening arguments, and revising for clarity and style. Writing assistants do not edit or correct students' papers; instead, they work with students to help them strengthen their critical thinking skills and improve their own writing.
Math Assistance
Tutors in math are located in the Math Center in the Student Success Center. Peer tutors meet one-on-one with students who need help in math, from the fundamentals of algebra through caLCUlus, differential equations and linear algebra. Appointments are best, but not necessary as long as you arrive when a tutor is available.