IT Help Desk

The office of Information Technology is tasked with providing reliable, efficient, and modern computing facilities, services, and technologies to the faculty, staff, and students of Louisiana Christian University. Our goal is to deliver these information technologies and services in a prompt, courteous, and professional manner. Our goal is to ensure all faculty, staff, and students can effectively carry out all work to achieve their goals and to further the development and growth of Louisiana Christian University.

Self Service offerings

We provide service offerings where you can reset your network and email password or unlock your network or email user account. This service requires registration. To register, please click this link for Microsoft Password Reset or visit the following website:

Network/Email Access Information

The Office of Information Technology assigns each LCU student an e-mail address following his or her initial enrollment at the college. Students previously enrolled at LCU should already have an LCU e-mail address.

The Office of Information Technology uses the first initial and last name of each student followed by their Student ID number and the domain “” to create the e-mail accounts. Your "initial" password can be obtained from the office of Information Technology office. When a password is created, it must meet the following criterion:

  • at least 8 characters long,
  • at least one number (0-9),
  • at least one lowercase letter (a-z),
  • at least one uppercase letter (A-Z),
  • and at least one of these special characters (spaces are not allowed):
    !    # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~


Name: John Mark Doe
Student ID: 1234567
Date of Birth: January 1, 1986

Network User ID:  jdoe1234567
Password: Generated and given to you by the IT department

Email User ID:
Password:  Generated and given to you by the IT department

MyLCU Portal User ID:  1234567
Password: You will be prompted to use your LCU email credentials for authentication into the Portal

WiFi and Physical Device Connectivity

Campus WiFi:  LCStudents

You should have received an email from “Extreme Networks” to your LCU email account with your own personal password to the LCStudents wifi network.  If you do not see it in your Inbox then please check your Junk Email folder.

Physical Device Connections

For devices that need a LAN cable connection to the network, e.g., Desktop PC, Xbox, PS4, etc., you are now required to register these devices on our network.  Please follow these NAC Registration instructions for these physically connected devices.

How do I register my device?  (CLICK HERE)

How do I find the MAC address on my device?  (CLICK HERE)

IT Service Requests

For ALL IT service requests please email –

Please include the following information in your request.

  • Student ID
  • Name
  • Location of issue
  • Description of the issue

Important Copyright and Online Safety Information

Louisiana Christian University is a strong proponent of copyright law and intellectual property rights. These laws are designed to protect research activities of everyone. The Code of Academic Integrity speaks briefly to these issues and lays out the penalties for participation in these activities. This information can be found on (pages 17 - 23) of the Louisiana Christian University Student Handbook.

The office of Information Technology enforces these policies in the digital realm of Louisiana Christian University. The Department of Information Technology established policies on the LCU network to prevent such activities. Copyright and Intelectual property policies are mandated by the LCU administration and Federal Regulatory Agencies. These policies cannot be revoked or rescinded for any reason.

Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) :

The HEOA act of 2008 and regulations of 2009 have placed additional requirements on all higher education institutions to provide the following :

  • Annual disclosure to students describing copyright law and campus policies related to the violation of copyright laws.
  • Develop a plan to "effectively combat" any copyright abuse on campus networks using " a variety of technology-based deterrents".
  • offer "alternatives to illegal downloading" to network users.


In keeping with these requirements Louisiana Christian University provides the following information:

Copyright Usage Information: