Residence Hall Directors


Alejandro Aranda

Church Hall Resident Director

Hello everyone, my name is Alejandro Aranda, and I am from Bogota, Colombia. I love practicing sports, dancing, and watching movies. I am a senior majoring in Exercise Science and a member of the soccer team.  After I graduate from LCU, I would like to be in a sports-related setting where I can help athletes to grow. I am excited to get to know all the residents of Church Hall and start working together to achieve our goals and provide y´all with the best environment possible for your athletic, personal, spiritual, and academic growth.  

William Dunham

WSA - Resident Director

Jebediah White

Tudor Hall Resident Director

Hi, my name is Jebediah White and I’m from Simsboro Louisiana. I love to play disc golf in my spare time and also play Madden.

This is my third year on Reslife and second year as a Resident Director. I’m super excited to be in Tudor this year for my senior year! 


Mckenzie Young

Resident Director

Kamryn West

Cottingham Resident Director

Payton Arcement

Cottingham Assistant Resident Director

Lawrence Daigle

Resident Director