LCU makes case for religious freedom at C3 this Thursday evening

Brittany Jones, the director of Policy & Engagement for Kansas Family Voice, will make “The Case of Religious Freedom” at the second Christ Church Culture event of the fall semester.
“I am incredibly excited to return to Louisiana Christian University and my hometown,” Jones said, “speaking on religious freedom – a topic that impacts every person, no matter their walk of life.”
Jones, an attorney, graduated from Louisiana Christian University in 2014 and earned her law degree from Regent University School of Law. She is licensed to practice law in Washington, D.C., and Kansas.
Jones’ focus is primarily on issues of religious freedom, life, education choice, and combatting pornography. She has the privilege of shepherding policy through the legislative as well as administrative process while working alongside policy makers at all levels of government.
“Our nation, and our state, were built on principles of freedom of thought and belief,” she said. “I have spent my career studying, strategizing and working to defend these key freedoms. It is an honor to be invited to engage on these topics with the Cenla community because of how important these freedoms are in the current climate.”
President Rick Brewer said this topic is paramount to young people in today’s culture, and he is excited to have an LCU alumna on the frontlines to address our students and community.
“Daily we hear of challenges to Faith-based organizations in areas that have long been considered protected by our Constitution as part of our First Amendment Rights,” Brewer said. “Ms. Brittany Jones is one such light in a dark space who is allowing her intellect and passion to alter the downward trajectory of the American Ideal, essentially the shuttering of Religious Freedom from the American landscape.
“Here in 21st Century America it is incumbent upon the Body of Christ to raise up a generation of leaders who will ‘earn the right to be heard’ in the marketplace of ideas and yield an awakening of the hearts and minds of first the Church and then all Americans to the emptiness of a society devoid of religious freedom.”
The public is invited and encouraged to attend this C3 event. It will be held in Guinn Auditorium this Thursday, Oct. 28 at 6:30 p.m.
Media Release | Oct. 26, 2021 | Louisiana Christian University | Pineville, La.
Contact: Dr. Elizabeth B. Clarke, Director of College Communications|