Louisiana Christian University is a Christ-centered community committed to Academic Excellence where students are equipped for Lives of Learning, Leading, and Serving.
Liberal Arts Education
The liberal arts tradition originated in the medieval period in which university studies were comprised of grammar, rhetoric and logic to strengthen to students’ ability to reason and to articulate their views to others. It also included the study of arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy. This program of study presently focuses on the study of history, language, science, the arts, communications and religion. Studies in the liberal arts are designed to equip students with a broad knowledge of many important fields and to develop well-rounded individuals who can adapt to face many different career challenges.
Louisiana Christian University seeks to prepare students to excel in their careers and future endeavors by cultivating knowledge and skills central to the liberal arts tradition. Through a broad-based general education program as well as specialized study in the arts and sciences or a selected pre-professional program, students develop the skills both for a chosen profession and for life as a responsible and thoughtful member of society. Education of the total person is accomplished through all programs and activities of the college.
The Preeminence of Christ
Christians confess Jesus as Lord over all of life (Romans 10:9). In order to be truly Christian, a college must humbly submit to the authority of Jesus Christ acknowledging Him as the One in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge abide (Colossians 2:3). Education is devoted to the pursuit of truth. Because Jesus is the embodiment of truth (John 14:6) and because He knows all truth (John 21:17), He alone is fully-qualified to reveal the truth (John 18:37). As the college’s doctrinal statement (The Baptist Faith and Message) acknowledges: “Christianity is the faith of enlightenment and intelligence. In Jesus Christ abide all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. All sound learning is, therefore, part of our Christian heritage.”
Because Jesus is Lord, Christian professors place all learning under the authority of Christ and His Word. Christian scholars present diverse concepts and approaches in the classroom and commit to represent these accurately and fairly. They are confident that when these views are thoroughly examined and critiqued that the supremacy of Christian truth will be evident.
Because Jesus is the Creator who made all things for His glory, true Christian education seeks to glorify Christ by pointing to the marvels, mysteries, and order of the world which He has made. Because the Christian professor and student pursue learning for Christ’s glory, they approach scholarship as an act of worship that expresses devotion to Christ and fulfills His command to “love God with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). True Christian education is thus a trilogy consisting of inseparable commitments to Lordship, scholarship, and worship.
The Authority of the Holy Scriptures
The Holy Bible is truth without any mixture of error. The college seeks to view all areas of knowledge from a distinctively Christian perspective and integrate Biblical truth thoroughly with each academic discipline. The college affirms that all truth is from God and recognizes that all knowledge is ultimately a product of divine revelation. Divine revelation has three facets: natural revelation, the ordered universe created by God; special revelation, the Christian Scriptures; and personal revelation, God incarnate, Jesus Christ. Properly interpreted, the testimonies of these various forms of divine revelation are never contradictory.
Academic Excellence
Every Christian endeavor should be characterized by excellence. Believers recognize that Christ created them for His glory. Their lives, both personal and academic, are to be devoted to the pursuit of His glory. When the Scriptures bring the truth of Jesus’ authority and preeminence to practical application, they command, “Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. . . .Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men (Colossians 3:17,23). Christian educators fully commit their minds and their hearts to their work with an awareness that they are both empowered and guided by Christ who enables them to exceed their own personal limitations (Ephesians 3:20; 1 Corinthians 1:24-25; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
In all its programs, Louisiana Christian University is committed to academic excellence in the context of Christian community. The college recruits highly qualified faculty who value effective teaching and learning, who are engaged in scholarly and creative activity, and who are committed to their own professional development and academically rigorous instruction. With its small classes, individualized instruction, empathetic advising, and personal attention, the college provides students with a quality educational experience.
Changing the World for Christ
Louisiana Christian University is both a partner and servant of the Christian church which supports it. The college shares the church’s mission of changing the world by propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ. The college may aid the church in the fulfillment of its mission by preparing outstanding Christian leaders for a variety of professions. Because Christian scholars pursue serious scholarship for the glory of Christ and are empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christian education should be characterized by a standard of academic excellence that exceeds that of its secular peers. Consequently, graduates from Christian institutions should be prepared for outstanding performance and achievement in their chosen occupations. The College affirms the Christian ideal that all believers in every discipline engage in Christian ministry by exhibiting Christian character and proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ. When professional expertise is coupled with Christian character that exhibits righteousness, truth, and brotherly love, Christian professionals will significantly impact their world.